Today we will continue with students presenting their final summative: Global Issues Photo Essay.
Also, you will be asked to take some time to complete the student feedback survey during class today. We have a specific time for this to occur: Block E: 9:55am Block F: 12:25pm Block G: 2:00pm
On Friday...
You will upload your Economic Disparity Investigation document to Managebac. It needs to be in PDF format (upload via Dropbox). Afterwards, please complete the Google Form to submit the link to your Global Issues Photo Essay. We will be presenting Global Issues Photo Essays on Friday (June 3) & Tuesday (June 7). This photo essay your final Criterion C and should be a rather easy Criterion C requirement so that you can do well on your final summative! Today...
You should begin writing the summative investigation reflection (if you have not already begun this step yet). Please be sure to be honest in your reflection about the investigation process. By being honest and providing detail, you will learn how to improve the investigation and research process so that next time you can hopefully maintain or achieve excellent results during your investigation. When you have finished: You will UPLOAD your completed investigation document to Managebac (in PDF format via Dropbox). Prior to uploading, be sure you take the time to read through the Investigating Criterion (and the other criterion listed in the presentation and on your document and be sure you have read through the Task-specific Clarification. This summative is your last assessment for Criterions B and D. Helpful link for today's task:
Today... ALL students will write their summary/conclusion to their investigation. This is the step where you are answering the research question(s) based on the data you collected during your investigation. You should use your notes and sources as evidence to support your conclusion (your response to the research question(s)). This summary should be approximately 2-3 paragraphs (this is NOT an essay).
Before you begin writing your summary, please complete the pre-writing part and pull out the really important facts, quotes, etc. that you want to use as evidence to help support. This way you will be sure to include it in your summary. You will screenshot your summary and upload it to Managebac as an image file prior to leaving class today. While you are working on this... I will be calling each of you out individually to discuss your overall Level of Achievement for this year to help you better understand what score you need to strive for for maintaining or achieving the highest level you can for this course this year. Helpful link for today's task:
Grade 7 students,
Today you will continue working on the Global Issues Photo Essay you started on a couple of Fridays ago. This should be a relatively easy summative task for you to complete considering that your persuasive essays for your selected global issue you investigated has been completed. A reminder that your photo essay should be limited in the amount of text each slide contains. And no more than 10 image slides. The images you select should help tell the story and convince the viewer that your global issue is a bid deal worth attention and compel the viewer to want to do something to help solve this global issue. Students will present their photo essays to the class on either June 3rd or June 7th. For this, you will stand and present this photo essay to your classmates by sharing the images and "telling" the story of this global issue. You will not be allowed to read off of a script or notes. You will persuade your classmates that this is an important issue that the world should be concerned about and should address. You will use the power of images to persuade them to be concerned. Good luck and please refer to the information below for more details about this. You will develop a photo essay presentation that you will present to your class on either June 3rd or June 7th. This will be the final summative project for this course this year. Link to Summative Photo Essay Project Presentation Today... you will continue working on Steps 4, 5, and 6. You need to finish this section this week or complete it by next Tuesday's class...
Helpful link for today's task:
Everyone should be ready to begin (if you haven't already started) researching and taking notes Today!
If you have not finished any part of Steps 1-3 you are falling behind and need to catch up. Mrs. Stewart will begin one-on-one checkins with students today to look at Steps 1-3 of your investigation document. Helpful links for today's task:
Information for Friday's Field Trip: Schedule and Activities for Friday's Field Trip Today, you will be working on developing your investigation plan. This is planning your research methods, timeline of completion (paying attention to when each step is due) and looking at possible resources and research strategies.
Once you finish developing your investigation plan, you are ready to start your research and begin taking notes! Please be aware that you will have a one-on-one checkin with Mrs. Stewart on Thursday, May 18th. Mrs. Stewart will look at steps 1-3 (research question, explanation of research and your investigation plan). Please be sure you have completed steps 1-3 prior to Thursday's class! Everyone should be ready to begin researching and taking notes no later than Thursday! Helpful links for today's task:
Information for Friday's Field Trip: Schedule and Activities for Friday's Field Trip Today, you will begin working on a Photo Essay for your selected global issue you have been investigating and are now writing a persuasive essay on. You will develop a photo essay presentation that you will present to your class on either June 3rd or June 7th. This will be the final summative project for this course this year.
You will stand a present this photo essay to your classmates but you will do so by sharing the images and "telling" the story of this global issue. You will persuade your classmates that this is an important issue that the world should be concerned about and should address. You will use the power of images to persuade them to be concerned. Link to Summative Photo Essay Project Presentation Today, you will be introduced to the summative investigation on economic disparity in Korea. You will make a copy of the summative investigation template and begin working on an investigation research question and developing an investigation plan.