Look at the checklist you have completed in class of the vocabulary terms for the Systems Unit. Pick 20 vocabulary terms that you have identified that you either have never seen/heard before or are less familiar with.
(these are all terms we will use to learn about different human-created systems in this unit. You decide which 20 words are a priority for you to learn and study first). You will create a set of "Systems" Quizlet Flashcards: 1. Log into your Quizlet.com account 2. Create a new set of flashcards 3. Title your new flashcard set "Systems" 4. Create flashcards for 20 of the following terms (you decide which 20) Here is the full list of vocabulary terms:
Please review presentations, flashcards, notes, etc. to study and prepare for Thursday's Summative Test. Please take a look at all of the presentations, PDF documents, videos, etc. posted on the Grade 7 Main Page (look at the section for "Geography Mini-Unit")
General Study Guide You will be assessed on the following MYP Criterion: Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding i. use a range of terminology in context ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, through descriptions, explanations and examples
Criterion D: Thinking Critically i. analyze concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories ii. summarize information to make valid, well-supported arguments
Make 20 Flashcards on Quizlet.com (see task instructions posted on Managebac).
Cards should be a combination of geography terms, concepts, etc. to help you study for next Monday's summative geography test. Use the following links to join the Quizlet class for your Block: Block E Students: https://quizlet.com/join/aMfjQh6Gw Block F Students: https://quizlet.com/join/WfS24XuB7 Block G Students: https://quizlet.com/join/K5ffX9ph7 Instructions for Adding 20 Cards: After you Join your block's Quizlet Class: