This week's homework is to finish reading Chapter 8 on the Roman Empire and continue taking 2-Column Cornell Notes in your journal (yes, handwritten notes on paper!) Below you will find a digital copy of the chapter you need to read. I will be formatively assessing your notes based on the Step Up to Writing rubric (see image below)
For this week, your homework is to continue adding to your G-SPICE notes about the Roman Empire. Watch this video (and/or any other videos about the Roman Empire from the YouTube "Civilizations" Playlist) about the Roman Empire and take notes based on G-SPICE lens. You will submit your notes to the following Google Form. Be sure you have organized your files and your notes are in your Individuals and Societies folder.
Watch the video below and take notes. Notes are due by Tuesday, Jan. 26 @ beginning of class. You will have a formative quiz on the Roman Empire on Tuesday, Jan. 26th! |