Note to Students: This week, you will use a Document Based Questions (DBQ) packet of … well, documents and questions… to help you begin the process of examining the pros and cons of globalization. Please make a copy of the document template for your notes. This is where you will record your notes and thoughts as you go through the DBQ packet (link below).
Task Instructions:
Read through the packet of documents and use the questions below each document to help you closely analyze the document or image provided. Decide whether the document helps support an argument of the positive impacts (pros) of globalization -- or the negative impacts (cons). You will later sort this into a list of supporting text-based evidence. This will help you build an argument for the Globalization Pros/Cons debate and you can refer back to this when you begin preparing for the debate.
You may partner up and work with 1-2 other students on this task during class. However, you must complete your OWN document.
Work is due Monday, May 1st. Submit work regardless of whether you have completed all tasks by Monday or not. This is this week’s classwork and homework!
Links to Resources to use:
Task Instructions:
Read through the packet of documents and use the questions below each document to help you closely analyze the document or image provided. Decide whether the document helps support an argument of the positive impacts (pros) of globalization -- or the negative impacts (cons). You will later sort this into a list of supporting text-based evidence. This will help you build an argument for the Globalization Pros/Cons debate and you can refer back to this when you begin preparing for the debate.
You may partner up and work with 1-2 other students on this task during class. However, you must complete your OWN document.
Work is due Monday, May 1st. Submit work regardless of whether you have completed all tasks by Monday or not. This is this week’s classwork and homework!
Links to Resources to use:
- Globalization Pros & Cons - Student Template - Make a copy of this!!!
- Submission Link - submit a link to YOUR work (your copy of the student template) - Do this on Monday soon as you get started!
- Document Based Question (DBQ) PDF Packet --ignore the top instructions. This is NOT for a final exam due June 6th.
- Globalization 101 - PDF Document
- The challenges of Globalization (Mastering the TEKS Chapter - PDF Document)
Grade 8 MYP Individuals & Societies Course
Grade 8 Course Overview
Geography Mini Unit
Unit Resources To Study (Resources used in class & to help with formative & summative tasks):
- Why Does Geography Matter? (Presentation)
- 5 Themes of Geography (Presentation)
- Physical Geography Study Sheet - PDF Handout
- Maps & Map Distortion (Presentation)
- Using Maps - Practice with Thematic Maps (Presentation)
- Forces of Nature: Climate 101 (Presentation)
- Biome Presentations (Spreadsheet with links of Student Group Presentations)
- Natural Disasters Presentations (Spreadsheet with links of Student Individual Presentations)
- The Great Continental Debate (Presentation)
- Geography Alive Chapter 1: The Tools of Geography (PDF of Textbook Chapter)
- Geography Alive Chapter 2: A Spatial Way of Thinking (PDF of Textbook Chapter)
- General Test Review Study Guide
- Study Review Stations (class activity)
Unit 1: This I believe: Cultures in Conflict
- Aspects of Culture & Culture Regions (presentation)
- Comparative Religions & Philosophies (presentation)
- Cultures In Conflict Formative Case Study: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (presentation)
Unit 2: Change through Revolution
- The causes, processes and consequences of change (presentation)
- How power is used
- Types of Revolutions (investigation presentation)
- Revolutionary Figures: Individuals in History
- Sources of conflict, impact and solutions
- Formative Investigation: Scientific Revolution
- Formative Investigation: Industrial Revolution
- Summative Investigation: Revolutions & Revolutionary Figures
Revolution Unit - Additional Resources: