First... Students will (informally) present their selected 'good moment' from history.Then, let's look at how we are recording our own history |
| -- Remember this video from the beginning of the school year? Do you recognize some of these moments we’ve studied this year? What do you notice about the human story told? Which stories are told? Which ones are not told? How do the stories we choose to learn about and tell about history shape our perception of our human history? |
How the year turned out so different than we anticipated...
The Butterfly Effect: | |
Task: (individual or group --your choice):
Find a 'Good' Moment in History to Report Out to the Class
You can edit the slide deck. Add your own slide with your chosen 'Good' Moment in History
The document is titled: "Summative: Research Questions (Unit 4)".
Please complete all summative work within this document.
Due Dates:
A Blocks: May 21st at end of class.
B Blocks: May 22nd at end of class.
Task #1: Developing Questions for Research

Note changes (if any) to your research topic, RQ and/or SQs since you started research.
Task #2: Evaluating Effectiveness of Questions Used in Research
You will evaluate each question used and address how it helped you in the research. You can also address any challenges you faced with any particular question(s).
You will then evaluate the overall set of questions and how effective the set was in guiding the research process. Reflect on whether this worked well for you and what changes, if any, you would make if you could do it all over again --or next time you conduct research.
Please note, your evaluation can be done in writing --or-- you can choose to record your evaluation as a video or audio recording using Loom. If you choose to use Loom, please be sure to add the link to your recording within the evaluation section of your summative document.
Loom Option Instructions:
To submit it, you do not need to do anything other than be sure to leave the document in your WH Drop Folder.
Depending on how well your research is organized and the degree of success and/or challenges you faced in the research, this summative (both tasks) should take you no more than 1 hour to complete. You have 2 class blocks (2 hours) to complete this. Some of you may be able to complete this in under 30 minutes. Please refer to the rubric so that you are ensuring you are performing at the highest level you can to demonstrate these skills.
Check-in: Peer 'Critical Friends' Feedback on Summative
Keep working! Complete by the end of class.
If you need help, you can ask your partner(s) or ask for help and it will alert your teacher to join your Breakout Room to assist you.
Note: since this is a summative, I cannot give you feedback on your summative work before you submit it (that would be akin to asking your math teacher if you have the correct answers before submitting a math summative)--and you already received feedback on 2 of the perspectives in the formative. What I can assist with during the summative is to help provide clarification on what the tasks are asking of you, clarification on the rubric, or assist you in thinking through about some aspects of the different perspectives of your issue.
Completed the Perspectives Summative? That's it for now!
Focus on wrapping up your research and completing your summative for English!
The next priority is to be sure you have enough research complete to finish your English summative on the central debate of your issue. After you feel that you've done enough research to complete the English summative and have enough information to attempt to answer your research question, then you are done!
The next task in World History will be to resubmit your
Research Question and Supporting Questions.
We will do this next week. For many of you, the Research Question and/or Supporting Questions may have changed since you submitted this as a "formative" at the start of your research. That is normal and to be expected in authentic research as research can lead you in different directions once you start. Further instructions will be given to you later on about this.
This next World History summative will also help you prepare for your English "oral defence" in which you have to discuss your research topic and the research process.
You will submit the research question and supporting questions by the end of class on the following dates, depending on your block:
A Blocks: May 21st
B Blocks: May 22nd
Check-in Discussion: Identifying a 3rd Perspective
Now that you have looked at 2 opposing perspectives for a specific question about your issue, what other points of view exist? You will need to identify a 3rd perspective (3rd point-of-view, opinion, idea, or 3rd possible response to your question).
Begin work on the "Summative Perspectives" tasks...
You may copy any work from your "Formative: Perspectives" document. You can add to/edit/improve anything from the formative that is also being asked of you in the summative--this is an opportunity to improve and demonstrate these skills at the highest level you can.
You will need to expand this to identify, analyze and summarize a 3rd perspective.
Summative Task #1:
Identify and Summarize (using evidence) 3 varying perspectives on your issue.
Summative Task #2:
Evaluate the value and limitations of sources used to analyze and summarize perspectives.
It is due at the end of next class.
A Blocks: Due Friday, May 15th.
B Blocks: Due Monday, May 18th
Mrs. Stewart's Course
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